Salted Caramel Butter Bars: A Decadent Dessert You’ll Love


When it comes to indulgent desserts, few can compare to the rich, buttery goodness of Salted Caramel Butter Bars. This delectable treat brings together the perfect balance of sweet and salty, making it an instant hit among dessert lovers of all ages. The allure of these bars lies in their melt-in-your-mouth texture, combined with the luxurious flavor of salted caramel that oozes through each bite. Whether you’re making them for a special occasion or simply to satisfy a craving, these bars are sure to impress.

I remember the first time I encountered Salted Caramel Butter Bars at a friend’s gathering. The moment I took that first bite, I was hooked. The combination of the crumbly, buttery crust with the gooey caramel center and the hint of sea salt was nothing short of perfection. It wasn’t long before I found myself asking for the recipe and making my own batch at home. Since then, this dessert has become a staple in my kitchen, and I’m excited to share this recipe with you today.


One of the secrets to making the best Salted Caramel Butter Bars is using high-quality ingredients. Each component plays a crucial role in the overall flavor and texture of the bars, so it’s important not to skimp on quality.

Butter: The star of the show in this recipe is, undoubtedly, the butter. It’s what gives the bars their rich, melt-in-your-mouth texture. I recommend using unsalted, high-fat butter, preferably European-style, as it contains less water and more butterfat, resulting in a more flavorful and tender crumb. If you’re looking for a vegan option, plant-based butter substitutes can work, but be mindful of their water content, which can affect the texture.

Flour: All-purpose flour is the best choice for this recipe. It provides the right structure without being too heavy. If you’re gluten-free, you can substitute with a 1-to-1 gluten-free baking flour, but keep in mind that the texture might be slightly different.

Sugar: A combination of granulated sugar and powdered sugar is used in this recipe. The granulated sugar adds sweetness and structure, while the powdered sugar contributes to the tenderness of the crust. For a deeper flavor, you can experiment with brown sugar or coconut sugar.

Vanilla Extract: Pure vanilla extract enhances the flavor of the bars, adding a warm, aromatic note that pairs beautifully with the caramel. If you have vanilla beans on hand, scraping one into the dough will elevate the flavor even more.

Salt: The use of sea salt in both the dough and the caramel is what sets these bars apart. The salt balances the sweetness and enhances the overall flavor profile. I recommend using a flaky sea salt for sprinkling on top, as it provides a delightful crunch and burst of flavor.

Caramel: The caramel filling is the heart of this dessert. While you can use store-bought caramel, I highly recommend making your own for the best flavor. A simple caramel sauce made from sugar, butter, cream, and salt will do the trick. If you’re in a pinch, jarred dulce de leche can be a good substitute.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Making Salted Caramel Butter Bars is a process that requires some patience and attention to detail, but the results are well worth the effort. Here’s how to make them:

Step 1: Preheat Your Oven and Prepare the Pan Start by preheating your oven to 325°F (163°C). Line a 9×13-inch baking pan with parchment paper, leaving an overhang on the sides to make it easier to lift the bars out later. This will ensure that the bars come out cleanly and in perfect squares.

Step 2: Make the Crust In a large mixing bowl, combine the softened butter, granulated sugar, and powdered sugar. Use an electric mixer on medium speed to cream the mixture until it’s light and fluffy, about 2-3 minutes. The key here is to incorporate enough air into the butter and sugar mixture, which will help create a tender crust.

Next, add the vanilla extract and mix until combined. Gradually add the flour and salt, mixing on low speed until the dough comes together. The dough should be soft and slightly crumbly but should hold together when pressed.

Step 3: Press and Bake the Crust Take two-thirds of the dough and press it evenly into the prepared baking pan. Use the bottom of a measuring cup or a flat spatula to press the dough into an even layer. This will form the base of your bars. Bake the crust in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes, or until it’s just beginning to turn golden around the edges.

Step 4: Prepare the Caramel Filling While the crust is baking, prepare the caramel filling. In a medium saucepan, combine sugar, butter, and heavy cream. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until the mixture is smooth and begins to bubble. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the caramel thickens slightly. Remove from heat and stir in the sea salt.

Step 5: Assemble the Bars Once the crust is out of the oven, pour the caramel filling over the hot crust, spreading it evenly with a spatula. Be sure to work quickly, as the caramel will begin to set as it cools. Crumble the remaining dough over the caramel layer, pressing it gently into the caramel to create a top crust.

Step 6: Bake Again Return the pan to the oven and bake for an additional 25-30 minutes, or until the top is lightly golden and the caramel is bubbling around the edges. The bars will continue to set as they cool, so don’t worry if they seem a bit soft when you take them out of the oven.

Step 7: Cool and Slice Allow the bars to cool completely in the pan on a wire rack. Once cool, use the parchment overhang to lift the bars out of the pan. Transfer to a cutting board and use a sharp knife to slice into squares or rectangles. For clean slices, wipe the knife with a warm, damp cloth between cuts.

Step 8: Add a Final Sprinkle of Sea Salt For an extra touch of flavor, sprinkle a bit of flaky sea salt over the top of the bars before serving. This not only adds a visual appeal but also enhances the salted caramel flavor.

Cultural Significance and Origin

Caramel has a rich history that dates back centuries, with its origins likely rooted in the Middle East, where sugar was first refined. The practice of adding salt to caramel, however, is a more modern innovation, credited to French pastry chefs who recognized the way salt could balance and enhance the sweetness of caramel. Salted caramel became a sensation in the late 20th century and has since become a beloved flavor in desserts around the world.

Salted Caramel Butter Bars are a relatively new addition to the world of caramel desserts, combining the classic elements of shortbread and caramel with the modern twist of salted caramel. The recipe is a perfect example of how traditional ingredients can be reimagined to create something entirely new and delightful.

Tools and Equipment

To make Salted Caramel Butter Bars, you’ll need a few essential tools:

Baking Pan: A 9×13-inch pan is ideal for this recipe. The size ensures that the bars have the right thickness and bake evenly. Non-stick pans are great, but lining the pan with parchment paper will make it easier to remove the bars without sticking.

Electric Mixer: While you can mix the dough by hand, an electric mixer will save time and ensure that the butter and sugar are properly creamed. A stand mixer with a paddle attachment works best, but a hand mixer will do the job as well.

Saucepan: A medium-sized, heavy-bottomed saucepan is essential for making the caramel filling. The heavy bottom helps distribute heat evenly, preventing the caramel from burning.

Measuring Cups and Spoons: Accurate measurements are key to baking success. Invest in a good set of measuring cups and spoons to ensure you’re using the right amounts of each ingredient.

Spatula: A silicone spatula is perfect for spreading the caramel and dough evenly in the pan. It’s also useful for scraping every last bit of dough and caramel from the bowls.

Sharp Knife: A sharp knife is crucial for cutting the bars into neat squares or rectangles. For best results, warm the knife under hot water and wipe it dry before slicing.

Health and Nutritional Insights

While Salted Caramel Butter Bars are undeniably indulgent, they can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet. Here’s a closer look at the nutritional aspects:

Calories and Fat: Given the butter and sugar content, these bars are high in calories and fat, but this also contributes to their rich flavor and texture. Portion control is key to enjoying these without overindulging.

Carbohydrates and Sugars: The bars are a significant source of carbohydrates and sugars, which provide a quick energy boost. If you’re watching your sugar intake, consider cutting the bars into smaller portions.

Sodium: The sea salt adds not only flavor but also a modest amount of sodium. While it enhances the caramel, those on a low-sodium diet might want to reduce the amount used.

Possible Adjustments: For a slightly healthier version, you can experiment with reducing the sugar or using whole wheat flour for part of the all-purpose flour. However, keep in mind that these changes will alter the texture and flavor slightly.

Pairings and Serving Suggestions

Salted Caramel Butter Bars are a versatile dessert that pairs well with a variety of beverages and accompaniments. Here are a few ideas:

Coffee or Espresso: The rich, bitter notes of coffee provide a perfect contrast to the sweetness of the bars. A strong espresso, in particular, cuts through the richness, making it an excellent pairing.

Dessert Wine: A sweet dessert wine, such as a Sauternes or a late-harvest Riesling, complements the caramel flavor without overwhelming it. The acidity in these wines helps balance the sweetness of the bars.

Vanilla Ice Cream: Serve the bars warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side. The cold, creamy texture of the ice cream pairs beautifully with the warm, gooey caramel.

Fresh Berries: For a lighter touch, add a handful of fresh berries on the side. The tartness of the berries provides a nice contrast to the richness of the bars.

Storage and Leftover Tips

Salted Caramel Butter Bars can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container for up to three days. If you live in a warm climate, consider refrigerating them to keep the caramel from becoming too soft. When refrigerated, they can last up to a week.

To reheat the bars, place them in a preheated oven at 300°F (150°C) for 5-10 minutes. This will warm the caramel and restore some of the freshness.

If you find yourself with leftovers, consider using them in other desserts. Crumble the bars over ice cream, or layer them in a trifle with whipped cream and fruit.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I use store-bought caramel for this recipe? Yes, you can use store-bought caramel if you’re short on time. However, homemade caramel provides a richer, more authentic flavor that really elevates the bars. If you do use store-bought, look for a high-quality brand without too many additives.

What can I do if my caramel turns out too thick? If your caramel is too thick, you can thin it out by gently reheating it and stirring in a small amount of cream or milk. Be sure to add the liquid gradually to avoid making it too runny. Thick caramel may indicate that it was cooked for too long, so watch the cooking time closely in the future.

How can I make these bars gluten-free? To make gluten-free Salted Caramel Butter Bars, substitute the all-purpose flour with a gluten-free baking flour blend. Look for one that is designed for a 1-to-1 substitution to ensure the best texture. Keep in mind that gluten-free flours can sometimes produce a slightly different texture.

Can I freeze the bars? Yes, Salted Caramel Butter Bars freeze well. Once they have cooled completely, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap, then in aluminum foil, and place them in a freezer-safe container. They can be frozen for up to 3 months. To serve, thaw them at room temperature for a few hours or warm them in a low oven.

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Salted Caramel Butter Bars are a decadent treat that combines the best of buttery shortbread and gooey caramel with a modern twist of sea salt. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a novice, this recipe is sure to become a favorite in your dessert repertoire. The bars are perfect for sharing at gatherings or enjoying as a special treat at home.

Not only are they delicious, but they also offer a chance to experiment with flavors and techniques, such as making your own caramel. So why not give them a try? Once you’ve experienced the melt-in-your-mouth goodness of Salted Caramel Butter Bars, you’ll be hooked. Don’t forget to share your experience and any creative twists you come up with!

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